Booking form

Please complete and send us this form only after confirming the availability of the week with us. ( you can use the online tchat or send us an E-mail : ).
Please enter your address Again we need this to give to the accommodation we use.
Known allergy(s) / Health problem(s) / Food intolérance(s) .
If you are a group, each person must complete this form, please
Tell us which of our holidays you would like. If you are interested in more than one then tick all that apply. if you want a date not mentioned in the calendar please contact us
Saturday is the day of transfers for those who leave and those who arrive
Tell us when and how you will arrive. If you are arriving by car or train then please let us know here.
If you need a rental bike please select your size
If you need to rent body protection(s), thank you for describing the desired sizes for each protection
Tell us a bit about your skill level here. Check an option and if you would like to expand on that below then it all helps. To help with your choice... //Beginner: Little experience of singletracks. Maybe you have plenty of experience riding on wider paths off road but you don´t often ride on narrow singletracks. ///Intermediate: You generally ride singletracks but if it gets steep or rocky you might walk some sections. You might enjoy the Red and Blue marked routes ////Advanced: You rarely walk sections, you enjoy the hardest routes at trail centers and seek out technical challenges. You have probably had a biking holiday abroad before. You rarely walk any trail features. /////Expert: As for advanced but you are able to tackle technical sections with speed and commitment. For you it´s not just about riding a section, it´s about how much speed and flow you can carry. //////Pro: Speaks for itself! Riding is your job either racing, guiding or teaching.
Often we find it is more important to match people´s expectations of the holiday as much as their fitness and skills. To that end would you mind telling us what you want. Check all that apply.
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Can you tell us what bikes you own and usually ride?